Seeking Sustainable-Living Sidekick(s)!

Does that simple, fun and close-to-nature life appeal to you? Do you like to get your hands dirty and use your creativity to tackle projects? Do you have, or hope to gain, experience with permaculture, organic gardening, [alternative] construction, trail building, preserving food &/or any other sustainable living skills? Are you crafty and a do-it-yourselfer? Can you imagine yourself living off-grid in a tiny cabin for months at a time? Do you like to let your mood determine what you do with your time? And do you like to have fun while getting things done?
Fruitdale Farm is currently just a one-woman

show and that woman -Aimee- is seeking a seasonal (1-6 months) sidekick (or four) to share in these adventures in 2019 (between April and November). This gig guarantees both hard work and good times (fun is a requirement!) and would be ideal for a couple or up to four awesome individuals. This, unfortunately at this time, is not a paid position, but a work-trade. Click here for more information.
Apply here &/or spread the word if you or someone you know may be interested!